Tuesday, March 18

The Story of Jesus and the Bird On Top

Jesus is one of a lot of people on a cross in a row. The crowd has gone home. Jesus does a little dance. The brown bird shakes its wings to stay on top. Jesus says, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" The brown bird is perched on top of Jesus's cross. He hopped there along the row of crosses. Every man leads his own religion. "Aw! Aw!" the bird says.

Jesus sneezes twice very quickly, hanging on the cross. A dirty man nearby puts a fancy hanky on a pole and Jesus blows his nose into it. The man goes home and puts it in the washing machine. The dirty man takes a shower. The dirty man puts the fancy hanky in the dryer then combs his hair then shaves then combs his hair again. He reads an episode in "Gravity's Rainbow," then closes the book and sets it down. The man eats some food then he washes the dishes. The man lays down in a big bed and falls to sleep next to his dog, who is very happy.

In the morning, the man wakes up and looks at the ceiling. His dog is sleeping nearby. Sighing. The man is warm and closes his eyes and falls back to sleep. The man wakes up later and poops in the bathroom and then goes back to bed feeling spectacular. He curls up and hugs a pillow, closes his eyes, breathes, falls asleep, and breathes. His dog is next to him in bed sighing.
