no capitals
no gratuitous punctuation
limit adjectives
limit "the"
limit "just"
no "like"
sparse similes
two "ing" words at most
no gratuitous line breaks
I am implementing these rules because I am not depressed, and I really only write when I am, and I can't control when I am, etc. A couple poems trying to use these rules are a couple posts below. The one about my dog and the other one about a black girl I saw. I I I I. I use "I" too much, too. ***** I think I'm going deaf, or everyone and everything is either too quiet or too loud. Mumbling.
I just thought about drawing a picture of my bed with pillow arms hugging me.
GOSH. I am feeling the top of my skull through my hair skin and whatever other fleshes are there and jeez it's hard. It feels like nothing else. I think I could hurt someone by hitting it against their softer parts.
*noises and the background sound of football*
Friday, October 10
New / temporary rules